To choose the best fundraiser themes, you should typically begin by considering the purpose of your fundraiser. You can generate a list of the different uses for funds that you may have, which you can then use to plan out a theme that is appropriate for your purpose. This theme can then be used to plan out the rest of your fundraiser, including any events and activities you may want to have as a part of a fundraiser. You can also use holidays and other events to coordinate possible fundraiser themes with the time of year in which it occurs, such as a holiday party.
One of the best ways to choose fundraiser themes is by first determining the purpose of your fundraiser and the plan you may have for the funds you procure. For example, if you are organizing a fundraiser in order to buy books for a school library, then you might consider themes that involve books or education. Fundraisers to buy books for a children’s library might be organized around fundraiser themes that focus on children’s books and stories. On the other hand, if you are planning a fundraiser to buy new uniforms for a school band, then you might focus on a theme that involves music.
When you have found fundraiser themes that may be appropriate for your purposes, then you can plan out various activities that connect to them. If you are planning an event with a theme that focuses on children’s stories and fables, then you might organize a ball or costume party in which people are encouraged to dress like a character from their favorite children’s story. If the theme you choose does not seem to lend itself well to the activities you want to plan, then you may want to consider other fundraiser themes. You might, for example, know that you want to have a fundraising dinner, and so a theme like “Books are Nourishing” may be more appropriate than “Books for all Ages.”
There may also be certain opportunities for you to consider fundraiser themes that connect to other events or occasions. If you are planning a fundraiser in October, for example, then you could hold a costume ball as a Halloween party. Other holidays can also be potential events that you can tie into your fundraiser themes, especially for dinner parties around Christmas and similar occasions. You should consider weather and other environmental conditions as you plan a theme, such as connecting “fall colors” or “the outdoors in spring” to your theme.