If you are attempting to choose the best heavy duty bed frame, you will need to examine several aspects of the frame to be sure you are getting the best one for your needs. The frame design and the materials used to manufacture the heavy duty bed frame are just two of the factors you will want to consider on your search for the best product. The number of vertical supports as well as the location of the supports on the heavy duty bed frame should also be weighed when choosing the best frame for your needs.
The most common material used to manufacture a heavy duty bed frame is angle iron. Angle iron is actually angle steel since it is not poured iron, but rather forged steel. The angle produces strength on two planes and provides a flat and secure platform to rest the box springs on. The common, heavy duty bed frame is constructed of several pieces of the angled material that have been riveted together to form a foldable frame. Usually created in two or more sections, the best heavy duty frame is assembled by combining the sections and creating a single bed frame from all of the components.
Along with a main frame assembly made from angled steel, the typical bed frame uses several vertical components to support and raise the frame off of the floor. The best frames typically use several of these vertical legs to provide support to the frame in several areas. Most frames will incorporate four legs to support the bed and situate a leg at each of the four corners of the frame. An added component on a heavy duty bed frame is the inclusion of legs in the center of the frame to provide added support in the center of the bed frame.
Some of the best bed frames use bolts as well as rivets to securely lock the frame into position and prevent movement. The addition of bolts also quiets many of the squeaks associated with bed frames by eliminating the movement of the steel pieces upon each other as the bed frame experiences stress and subsequent movement. The best frames also use wooden cross rails to bridge the gap between the frame's outer rails. By placing the box springs on boards instead of simply supporting the springs on the outside edge, the bed is able to safely and quietly support the bed and those who use it.