Choosing the best printable invoice depends both on the type of invoice needs the company has and on the accounting and invoicing programs the company has in place. The selection of an invoice varies depending on whether the invoice is sent to consumers, industrial buyers, or other types of customers. The selection also depends on the type of product being sold and on the policies of the company as a whole.
A number of different options exist for a printable invoice. Accounting programs and software, from sophisticated software custom designed for your company to generic business accounting and bookkeeping software such as Quicken, can all be used to generate printable invoices a company sends to customers. A printable invoice can also be produced in a Word or Text document and a standard template saved and used by all members of the company. A company can also design its own invoice or bookkeeping software program that is a proprietary piece of software which generates company-specific invoices, although this is often the most costly way to produce printable invoices.
The key to choosing the right option for printable invoices for a given company is to determine the purpose of the invoice, the recipient, and the information the invoice must contain. If the invoice is for a client, the invoice should be professional and contain company logos and information. Details about the purchase made should be included, as well as information about acceptable payment methods. The invoice can also be an opportunity to market further products or services, and special offers or marketing materials can be included on the invoice. On the other hand, if the invoice is an internal invoice from one department to another within the company, the invoice must contain information such as internal purchasing codes, but can otherwise be less formal than an invoice sent to clients.
The printable invoice selected by a company must also contain the appropriate form fields so all relevant information can be included. For example, if a customer routinely orders multiple items on a given invoice, the invoice should be organized so all those items can be listed along with the respective prices. If it is uncommon for multiple items to be purchased, an invoice with many item lines may look blank and unprofessional and may not be the best choice for that given company.