Vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder which causes various areas of the body to lose pigment, creating a blotchy look to the skin. It is believed by many that a healthy vitiligo diet can help to control the disorder and promote healthy skin and cell regeneration. Some of the recommended foods on this diet include whole grains, tomatoes, spinach, fish, and soy. Some of the foods which should be limited or eliminated from the vitiligo diet include some berries, cashews, mango, and tea. Choosing the best type of diet for vitiligo on an individual basis is often a matter of trial and error and should take into consideration factors such as personal preference, existing health concerns, and food allergies or sensitivities.
Whole grains are an important part of a vitiligo diet. These grains are full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber which support overall health. Oats may be particularly beneficial due to the high levels of Vitamin E contained in the oats. This vitamin is known to improve the body's natural immune responses and may also help fight harmful bacteria.
Certain vegetables should be incorporated into a vitiligo diet whenever possible. Spinach contains substantial amounts of various nutrients which may help to repair damaged blood vessels and promote skin regeneration. Garlic has natural antibiotic properties and contains a wide variety of nutrients which work to keep the cells healthy. Cabbage contains many nutrients and contains substances which help the body break down harmful chemicals within the body. Fruits such as blueberries and tomatoes are also known for their healing properties and are a great addition to this type of diet.
Healthy fats are an essential part of a proper vitiligo diet. Olive oil is one of the best sources of this type of fat and can easily be added to most diets. Most nuts are ideal for those with vitiligo, as they contain healthy fats as well as protein. Cashews and pistachios are the chief exceptions to this rule, as they are not typically recommended for those with vitiligo.
Some foods should not be added to a vitiligo diet, especially in high quantities. These foods include mango, red chili, and tea. Some berries are not recommended for those who suffer from vitiligo. These berries include blackberries, raspberries, and cherries. In addition to the various foods that are recommended parts of the diet for those with this autoimmune disorder, it is important to drink plenty of water in order to keep the skin hydrated and healthy.