Dry skin on the nose may be treated with facial lotions and by limiting exposure to the sun. The type of lotion used is often dependent on the underlying causes for the dryness. This condition can be the result of sun or wind burn, or may be an indicator of a more serious problem affecting the body. Psoriasis and eczema are the two leading causes of dry facial skin following sunburn, and may require more serious forms of treatment. Extreme cases in which skin is peeling, blistering, or bleeding should be addressed with a medical professional.
One cause of dry skin on the nose is sunburn, or exposure to extreme outdoor weather elements, which can affect people during the summer and winter. Summer sunburns typically damage the uppermost layers of the skin and, when severe, can become blistered and peel away. Preventative measures include wearing protective clothing gear and rubbing sun block lotion of an SPF 30 or higher on the nose, cheeks, and forehead.
This type of dry skin is best treated by smoothing lotion specifically designed for use on the face over the affected areas for up to one week after the redness has dissipated, and avoiding peeling back any raised areas of skin as this can cause permanent scarring. Non-facial lotions should not be used for this type of treatment because they typically contain oils and minerals that can clog the delicate pores of the face and cause an acne breakout. Dry skin that occurs during the winter, often as a result of time spent in high wind areas where the sun may reflect off a snowy surface, should be treated similarly.
Dry skin on the nose may be a sign of a more serious skin problem, such as psoriasis. Psoriasis is a condition in which skin cells grow too quickly, creating thick patches of plaque. It may also result in red patches of skin that are covered in light silver and white scales in more severe cases. Treatment may begin with the application of facial lotions which contain aloe vera, and sometimes gently flaking off crusted areas to allow lotion to saturate the skin underneath. Limiting exposure to the sun can also reduce the affects on the skin.
Eczema is another possible skin condition which can result in dry skin on the nose. This skin condition, often a result of an allergy or reaction to stress, is typically accompanied by a sensation of extreme itchiness. Skin may become thick and, if scratched often, can become cracked and sore. Eczema can affect individuals of any age, but is most commonly seen in children who may eventually outgrow it.
Individuals who suffer from eczema should begin treating their condition by applying lotion daily. Facial lotions can be used morning and evening, and following any activities during which skin may become excessively dry, such as showering or spending time outdoors and in the sun. Extreme cases are frequently treated through application of over the counter corticosteroid creams or prescription steroid injections. These measures should only be considered after speaking with a medical professional.