Auto detailing is a field for those who have a keen eye for even the tiniest of details and a strong dislike of dirt. The art of auto detailing entails cleaning a car, both inside and out, to an exacting standard that allows the car to look as though it is brand-new. The removal of stains and debris, as well as the cleaning, polishing and waxing of exterior and interior surfaces are all standard tasks that someone pursuing auto detailing training can expect to perform. Contrary to the interchangeability of terms, car detailing does not involve the repair of paint, upholstery, mechanical or chassis issues. These issues are handled by automotive restoration specialists or auto body repair technicians.
A good deal of auto detailing training can be learned on the job. Apprenticeships are a common way to obtain the necessary training. Many two-year trade or technical schools also offer courses in car detailing training. These courses are designed to teach the fundamentals of stain removal, restoration of the sheen and luster of paint and chrome, upholstery renewal and deodorization. A person with auto detailing training can find a job working in places such as car dealerships, antique car specialty shops or general auto repair shops, but they are not limited to these settings.
If automotive detailing is not intended as a career path, but only as a hobby, there are a number of commercially available auto detailing training videos available to the general public. While these educational videos include a good deal of information, someone wishing to pursue a career in automotive detailing will often need more intensive hands-on training. Car detailing training can be pursued as a single specialty, or combined with other certifications to provide the student with flexibility to perform myriad tasks and increase their employability. Like all professions in the automotive world, auto detailing is a physically demanding job requiring bending, stooping, kneeling and contorting into odd positions to clean and polish the car to its prime condition.
Auto detailing training, when combined with other specialties such as paint restoration, upholstery and general car maintenance can provide a student with a skill set that will make him valuable to nearly any place of employment. Many people with automotive detailer training do not have a set shop to work from, but rather they independently contract with different places or individuals. However, workers with the aforementioned skills needed to excel in automotive restoration are more likely to have a set place of employment and a steady stream of work.