To ensure that products reach their proper markets and that manufacturing processes receive all of the necessary parts from suppliers, a global supply chain must perform efficiently and without interruptions. Supply chain professionals are in charge of this task, and they often become certified in order to better fulfill their duties. You can get supply chain management certification through instructor-led courses, through self-paced accredited certification programs, and through classes offered through corporate and trade-group organizations.
Supply chain management certification is primarily designed to help educate professionals who are already in the supply chain field. It can also be a way to get into the profession if you haven't already practiced supply chain management. The coursework can provide training in supply chain risk management, supply chain event management, business continuity, and insurance.
The first route to certification is through self-paced courses. With these types of programs, you can attend remotely through the Internet or by simply completing modules of the coursework in the course textbooks. A self-paced program can take more self-discipline to complete than a more structured one, but it also affords the most convenience and flexibility for attendees. Attendees can, for instance, take such courses while they still have their full-time job.
Supply chain management certification courses are also taught in person in traditional classroom settings. These types of programs can provide structure for those attendees who value that. They can also provide easier access to a teacher and to other students, allowing you to build professional relationships, network, and ask more questions during the course. The downside to these types of certification programs is that their schedules are not as flexible, with meetings at set times in set locations.
For many supply chain professionals, a third route to certification is through their employer or through their trade association. Supply chain, risk management, and insurance trade groups often have regular meetings during which there are educational courses and accreditation opportunities. Investigate whether attending classes at trade group meetings and events will give you credit toward a certification or if they are for informational purposes only. Corporate employers often invite their workers to take in-house supply chain management certification courses as well.