According to the Nielsen report, American kids younger than 18 years old send about 93 text messages per day — that's one message for every 10 minutes they're awake. The average teenager sends around 3,000 texts per month, more than double the amount sent by 18- to 24-year-olds and more than six times the amount sent by those age 25 to 30.
More facts on texting:
- In total, about 2.3 billion text messages are sent every day in the U.S. In fact, most people send twice as many texts as they make calls in a month.
- Women send more text messages than men, sending about 600 text messages a month, compared to the 450 sent by men.
- Nearly 60 percent of drivers between the ages of 16 and 19 admit to texting while driving. Texting while driving accounts for about 6,000 traffic fatalities and 500,000 injuries per year.