Collagen tablets are supplements specifically intended to improve the skin's natural elasticity and reduce signs of aging. They can also help the body naturally maintain its ability to heal from wounds quickly and efficiently. Collagen is a special type of protein that decreases with the aging process, often leading to less joint flexibility, poorer blood vessel health, visible skin wrinkles, and diminished lean muscle. Oral collagen tablets can help counteract these problems when they are taken consistently, and they are often considered an easier alternative to injections that can sometimes be painful and costly over time.
Naturally-occurring collagen makes up about 30 percent of the protein in the average adult, and it can be found throughout the skin, tendons, and ligaments. These amounts of collagen start to gradually deplete after about the age of 25 in most people. Many people have less than half their original collagen concentration by the time they reach the age of 40. Most foods do not contain significant amounts of collagen, so supplements are often considered the most reasonable option for replacing this important protein component. Some types of collagen supplements are made from certain animal-based collagen products that can occasionally trigger allergic reactions, so people with histories of food allergies are often advised to first consult with a doctor prior to taking them.
An advantage of taking collagen supplements orally is that they can be purchased over the counter usually at reasonable prices. Adding them to a supplement regimen also does not carry the inconvenience of trips to a doctor's office for collagen injections. Some brands of collagen tablets are also less expensive than collagen-infused lotions or creams. Many skin care experts report that collagen supplements can be taken on a daily basis, though most people need to regularly take them for at least a few weeks before the positive effects become noticeable.
The use of collagen tablets over time can often smooth the appearance of skin wrinkles and thus maintain a more youthful appearance for a longer amount of time. Many people also report that consistently taking these supplements can help reduce pain in their joints and maintain their existing flexibility. Most doctors report that the continuing ability to exercise the limbs is vital to preserving overall health during the aging process. Collagen tablets often have the additional benefits of improving the elasticity of blood vessels and making them better able to carry nutrients to vital organs.