Consumer durables involve any type of products purchased by consumers that are manufactured for long-term use. As opposed to many goods that are intended for consumption in the short term, consumer durables are intended to endure regular usage for several years or longer before replacement of the consumer product is required. Just about every household will contain at least a few items of this nature.
One of the most common of all consumer durables would be the furniture found in the home. This would include items such as sofas, chairs, tables, bed frames, and storage pieces such as chests of drawers and bookshelf units. While once thought to be limited to only items made of sturdy metal or wood, any type of furniture today that is intended for use over the period of at least a few years can rightly be classified as durable.
Another common example of durables in the possession of most households is appliances. These items may include ovens, refrigerators, toasters, and gas or electric water heaters. These are intended for use on a continuing basis, and often are sold with some type of warranty or service contract that helps to ensure the appliance will continue working for an appreciable period of time.
The family car is also understood to be among the various consumer durables owned by many households. Considered a major investment by many consumers, the expectation is that the vehicle will remain operational for at least the amount of time it takes for the consumer to pay off any loans associated with the acquisition. Further, consumers anticipate that the vehicle can be utilized on a regular basis without fear of being destroyed by the frequent usage.
Manufacturers of consumer durables do tend to sell their consumer products with an eye toward long term use by the buyer. At the same time, many of these manufacturers normally provide documentation that defines what is considered reasonable use of the goods. This serves to set the standard for how long a consumer can reasonably expect the items to function, provided that the durables are not abused or utilized in an inappropriate manner.