House cleaning is a chore that not many people enjoy, but that most people have to do, even if one just lives in a small apartment. One of the best house cleaning tips to keep in mind is to not leave all the cleaning to just one day; try to keep up with it throughout the week. In addition, try to make cleaning as easy on oneself as possible by planning ahead, and storing cleaning supplies right in the room in which they will be used.
Cleaning up a mess as soon as it occurs is one of the best house cleaning tips to remember. Of course, most people will clean up a messy spill as soon as it happens, but many people will let mail pile up on the table, or leave clothing scattered all over the floor for days. Instead, try to deal with these messes as soon as they happen; it will likely only take a few minutes and then it will be done.
Some people also find that one of the best house cleaning tips is to take a few minutes at the end of the day and simply go around the house, picking things up and putting them away. People with children often have their kids help with this process; not only does this help get more done, but it teaches children to keep their things clean and tidy. Another option is to clean things while waiting to do something else; for instance, if one is waiting on hold on the phone, take a few minutes and wipe down the counters.
Other house cleaning tips are often related to convenience. If one has two bathrooms in the home, for instance, keep cleaning supplies in each bathroom so they do not need to be shuttled back and forth. Keeping supplies like toilet bowl brushes within easy reach makes them more likely to be used. In addition, some simple, natural ingredients can also be used for cleaning; for example, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and lemon juice can be used for many cleaning tasks, and they are free of harmful chemicals and will not harm the environment.
Finally, some people find that rather than taking a few minutes here and there to clean, they prefer to set aside a few hours once a week to tackle the house cleaning. The best house cleaning tips, or any tips meant to make one's life easier, are the ones that work for you and your lifestyle. Search online for specific cleaning and stain removal tips; many people post things that have worked for them.