Getting anorexia help and support may go a long way toward boosting a patient's chances of recovery. Among the many sources of help are medical doctors, who can provide physical care, information, and referrals. Mental-health counselors and support groups may provide help as well. In addition, a patient's loved ones and friends may offer understanding that boosts the chances of recovery.
A medical doctor can be an important source of different types of anorexia help and support. While doctors can help an anorexia patient stay healthy and provide advice for avoiding the complications of the condition, they can also provide support for a patient during his struggles with anorexia. A doctor may answer questions a patient has about anorexia, weight, and eating and help him to separate facts from myths. In addition, a medical doctor may provide information and referrals the patient can use in dealing with the condition. For example, he may refer the patient to a counselor who specializes in eating disorders or a support group for people with anorexia.
Support groups are among the best sources of anorexia help for a person struggling with the condition. Through a support group, a person with anorexia can share the challenges he faces and benefit from the understanding of others who are dealing with the same situations. Likewise, he may listen to the stories of those who are also struggling with anorexia and feel less alone in dealing with the condition. He may also benefit from the suggestions others have concerning coping with the condition and recovering from it.
A mental-health counselor can also be an important source of anorexia help. A mental-health counselor can help a patient explore the issues and thought processes that may have lead to the condition. A person in this field may also help an anorexic patient examine his struggles with body image and issues with self-esteem that may contribute to the problem. He may also help the patient develop coping skills. An anorexia patient may benefit from one-on-one counseling, but group counseling may prove helpful as well.
Understanding loved ones may also be among the most important sources of anorexia help for a person struggling with the condition. For example, supportive friends and family members can listen as an anorexia patient expresses his concerns, doubts, and insecurities. These people may also help the patient celebrate his victories. When necessary, they can also provide a shoulder to cry on and emergency help if the patient becomes ill as a result of the eating disorder.