Bleeding gums are a common problem that can have several different causes. In many cases, the gums may bleed if a person uses a hard-bristled toothbrush or too much pressure is applied to the gums when brushing. This problem may also be the result of a gum disease. There are a number of options available to help stop bleeding gums, including lifestyle changes, mouth rinses, and dietary modification. Diagnosing and treating the underlying problem may also help to stop bleeding from being a continuing problem.
One of the most popular methods used to stop bleeding gums is gargling with warm salt water. The recommended mixture is generally 0.5 teaspoon (3 g) of table salt mixed with 1 cup (236.5 ml) of warm water. A person should then swish this mixture around in the mouth for a few seconds, gargle, and spit out the mixture. Equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and water can also be used as a gargle.
Triphala is an herb that originated in India and is sometimes used in a gargling mixture to stop the gums from bleeding. This mixture is made by combining 1 teaspoon (about 3.5 g) of triphala with 1 cup (236.5 ml) of water. Some people report success in using a toothpaste containing an herb known as bloodroot as well.
Homemade mouthwashes may also help to stop this problem. A popular mixture contains peppermint oil, chamomile, and sage oil. Clove oil may be placed directly on the gums in order to stop bleeding, although some people prefer to simply chew on a whole clove. Others recommend rubbing aloe vera paste on the gums to stop the bleeding, carefully rinsing the mouth once the bleeding stops.
Taking a vitamin C supplement may help stop bleeding gums in some people. Deficiencies in this vitamin may lead to a medical condition known as scurvy, which often causes problems with the gums and teeth. Tobacco usage may also increase the chances of developing bleeding gums, so it should be stopped.
If bleeding gums are a chronic problem, the sufferer should see a dentist for proper diagnosis and treatment. Some forms of gum disease may require medical treatment. If harmful bacteria enter the bloodstream as a result of damage to the gums, the infection could potentially travel throughout the entire body, causing severe medical problems if not diagnosed and treated right away. Frequent dental cleanings can often allow the dentist to detect possible problems before serious medical issues develop.