A fallopian tube that is partially or completely blocked will typically stop the passage of sperm and eggs, leading to infertility problems, but women with this issue have a variety of options that can help clear the blockage. There are several surgical techniques that may be used, depending on the type of blockage and where it is in the tube. There are also numerous natural options for unblocking fallopian tubes. A variety of herbs can be used to reduce inflammation and clear adhesions in the tubes, while massage may help to break up scar tissue and other blockages. Improvement of overall health through good nutrition, stress reduction, and avoiding substances like nicotine and alcohol can help as well.
One option that many women choose for unblocking fallopian tubes is surgery. Depending on the type of surgery required, this may involve the surgeon going into the abdomen through an incision called a laparotomy, using a small incision to insert a laparascope, or inserting a catheter through the cervix and uterus. It may be necessary to remove a portion of the tube and reattach the ends, rebuild the end of a tube, or create a new opening through a blocked area.
Women who prefer natural options to surgery may want to look at the use of herbs for unblocking fallopian tubes. Herbal supplements can be taken orally, or applied directly to the reproductive system using tampons or douches. Yi mu cao and xi xian cao are two herbs commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine for this purpose. Herbs that can be used to help clear up inflammation, adhesions, and bacterial infections while stimulating circulation in the fallopian tubes include frankincense, ginger, and ginseng. Other herbs that may also help include red clover, garlic, and chamomile.
Massage is another technique known to help with unblocking fallopian tubes. Manipulation of the tissues can help break up scar tissue and any other materials in the tubes. It also stimulates circulation to clear them away.
When it comes to unblocking fallopian tubes, a woman's general health plays an important role. Eating healthy foods and taking nutritional supplements can contribute to the health of the reproductive organs. Stress should be reduced as it can affect hormone balances and may cause spasms in the tubes; in addition to relaxation techniques, practices like acupuncture, exercise, and yoga may help with this. Drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes can all have negative effects on the fallopian tubes as well, and so should be avoided.