A few of the most commonly sought after school program grants include those designated for after school care and specific after school programs. Funding for tutoring and various social programs designed to keep children actively engaged in positive interests are popular types of grants that schools and other organizations routinely seek to acquire. After school program grants are frequently offered by local government agencies or may even be offered by private funding sources.
Grants for extended daycare programs are sometimes offered to schools and other organizations in order to provide quality supervision for young children on weekdays during non-school hours. Often, these are referred to simply as after school program grants, but many of these awards are also given to support programs that offer before school care, as well. These types of grants are used to finance staff supervision for children in these programs, as well as supplies and snacks for the children of working parents who must come to school early or participate in a program after the school day has ended.
After school program funding is also commonly used to support organized youth activities that take place after the school day. Many such programs include tutoring and other studious activities, but several are designated specifically for social programs. Examples of such programs include those that offer social support and empowerment to adolescent girls, programs for pregnant and parenting minors, mentoring programs, athletic programs and teen volunteer programs.
Whether funding is intended for an after school tutor, after school childcare, athletic activities or a social program, there is usually lots of competition among schools and organizations applying for designated funds. School districts are among the most common applicants for such funding, but outside organizations also apply for certain after school program grants. When money is awarded for various programs, many are offered on a school’s campus, but several are offered at off-site locations, as well. Those offered at another location also frequently allow the participation of target students from multiple schools.
Local government entities commonly offer after school program grants, but other funding sources also exist. These include foundation and endowment grants, which are offered by private individuals and charities. Regardless of the source of funds, grants do not require a repayment of any kind. Most after school program grants do, however, require strict monitoring and reporting to assure that program objectives are adequately met.