To remain licensed as a chiropractor in many regions, the professional must successfully complete a specified amount of chiropractic continuing education training on an annual basis. As a professional responsible for diagnosing and treating ailments of the muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems, a chiropractor may enroll in chiropractic continuing education courses through accredited programs and institutions as well as associations. In addition to being required, continuing education courses allow a chiropractor to enhance his skills to treat patients. Chiropractic continuing education courses concentrate on treating a patient without surgery and may include aromatherapy, acupuncture, ergonomics, and sports medicine. Continuing education courses may also cover massage therapy and pregnancy.
Aromatherapy is a type of alternative medicine that entails using essential oils derived from roots, flowers, plants, and seed. Essential oils have different benefits including boosting the immune system, easing tension, and eliminating headaches. Chiropractic continuing education courses focus on how the brain processes the smell of oils and how people react to the oils.
Acupuncture continuing education courses focus on how treatment affects the nervous system. Courses are designed to teach professionals how to enhance circulation and attempt to heal the body by applying pressure on specific parts of the body. Continuing education courses also demonstrate how manipulating thin needles at different depths may elicit different results.
Ergonomics concentrates on how biomechanics and posture can help a person to be more productive at home and the workplace. Continuing education classes demonstrate how a chiropractor can assess endurance for the entire body. Courses also focus on ergonomic risk factors that may lead to musculoskeletal disorders, particularly for individuals who use computers at their jobs. Curriculum also may demonstrate safe lifting techniques and how to avoid back injuries in the workplace.
Sports medicine continuing education courses cover the various injuries that can occur through athletic competition. Curricula also demonstrate how chiropractors may assess and treat injuries. Chiropractors may receive detailed information on the anatomy of a golf swing, for example, and techniques involved in playing golf without any back pain.
A chiropractor may also enhance his skills by taking massage courses. These hands-on courses aim to demonstrate various techniques to ease muscle discomfort. By applying different amounts of pressure, a chiropractor can treat different types of pain. Courses also focus on how massages can enhance circulation, lower stress, and improve range of motion.
Chiropractic continuing education courses may also focus on helping women during pregnancy. Classes cover how having a baby may misalign the pelvis and also cause curvature of the spine causing changes in posture. In addition, continuing education courses may demonstrate exercises and stretches that are safe for women to do during pregnancy. Completion of courses focusing on pregnancy allows a chiropractor to ease back, neck, or joint soreness and strive to help women have a safe delivery.