Some of the main symptoms of a Vitamin D3 deficiency include depression, fatigue, and insomnia. Physical problems may also result, including muscle pain, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, and issues with the respiratory system. Rickets in children, which is often called osteomalacia in adults, can also occur when there is a vitamin D3 deficiency.
Feeling fatigued sometimes signals a lack of vitamin D3 production in the body. The exhaustion may seem like it never goes away, even after long bouts of sleep, which are usually rare when this vitamin is missing since most people also experience fitful sleep. Not surprisingly, depression can also occur when there is a vitamin D deficiency. Both depression and anxiety are most often seen in older people who do not have enough of this vitamin. Fortunately, just getting a few minutes of sun each day can help get rid of these feelings.
Not only do many people feel exhausted when they do not have enough vitamin D3, but their bones and muscles are also tired. Osteoporosis may be the culprit in some cases, as weak bones often appear with a lack of this vitamin, resulting in stooped posture, loss of height, and bones that break easily. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, may also result from this vitamin deficiency, as vitamin D3 is necessary to regulate the blood pressure. Finally, respiratory issues often arise with a vitamin D3 deficiency, resulting in everything from frequent colds to severe asthma.
Rickets is a condition that is often found in children who have a vitamin D3 deficiency, resulting in soft, fragile bones. This is because this vitamin is necessary in order for the body to properly absorb phosphorus and calcium. The main symptom of this condition includes constant bone pain, especially in the spine, pelvis, and legs. In extreme cases, a curved spine, bowed legs, and excessive cavities may result from rickets caused by vitamin D3 deficiency, making it crucial for children to get proper sunlight.
Adults can also develop a form of rickets, called osteomalacia. The symptoms of this condition are often the same as rickets in children. The adults that are most often affected by this problem are women who have had several children and do not get enough sunlight. If they have also breastfed each child and did not take steps to get enough calcium, they are at even more risk of developing osteomalacia.