Small handbags with wrist cuffs, styled similarly to clutch purses, are called wristlets. They are not much bigger than a large wallet and they have a convenient band that can be worn on the wrist to keep the bag handy and secure. Many wristlets also contain removable straps so that the purse can be used with or without them.
Most wristlets contain separate, zippered compartments to help organize your belongings, a convenient bonus considering the size of the bag. There are places to store keys, credit cards, spare change and personal items so they can be retrieved easily. The small size of wristlets makes them practical to take along anywhere, and the compartments ensure that you will still be able to carry the items you need despite the minimal space.
Wristlets come in many styles, colors and fabrics, and they make great accessories. You can purchase one to go with any outfit. Why settle for just one of these stylish bags when you can have a different one for every occasion? Wristlets also make great gifts, since few women can own too many handbags.
While these cute purses are hugely popular, the term "wristlets" is also used to refer to stretchy bracelets that are popular among teenagers. Much like thick, colorful rubber bands, wristlets are perfect for swapping and sharing. Boys and girls alike wear them. They are fun and funky, and because they don't cost a lot of money, many teens collect them.
These wristlets are available in solid or multi-color varieties and often contain symbols or words. Some wristlets include a message of inspiration, such as "be strong" or "have hope." There are even camouflage wristlets bearing the words "support our troops" and tie-die styles that say "peace." A bright yellow wristlet with a smiley face is the perfect gift for a friend that could use some cheering up.
Wristlets can be worn one at a time as a color coordinated accessory, or an entire collection can be worn at once. Teens have fun collecting, sharing and trading the different styles and colors, although younger children and even adults also enjoy wearing wristlets.