A barbell rack is a device found in many gyms around the world. This rack is designed to hold barbell weights in order, from lightest to heaviest. The barbells fit into specific locations on the racks and are typically found in pairs or sets of two. This allows a person to pick a set of weights from the rack and once the workout is complete, the weights can be placed back into rhw proper location.
Many bodybuilding workouts include training with a barbell rack. The lifter begins with a chosen set of barbells and completes a series of repetitions lifting the weight. The lifter then begins lifting a series of ever increasing weight from the barbell rack until the weight becomes too heavy to complete the repetitions. This exercise is designed to exhaust the lifter and stress the muscle group being targeted.
By using a barbell rack, the gym remains in order and helping those working out in the hunt for a specific weight. A lifter can easily see if a chosen barbell is available to use by looking at the barbell rack. The orderly arrangement of barbells also aids a lifter in locating the next higher or lower weight when lifting weights in ascending or descending order. The racks also provide a visual stimulus by defining how many more sets of weights a lifter has to go to satisfy their workout requirements.
Many gyms choose to divide barbell racks into two individual racks. The lower weight barbells are placed in one area while the higher weight barbell rack is placed in another. By separating the racks, the gym is able to create individual workout stations for stronger lifters or for the more advanced lifters to the beginners. Other gyms simply have several complete barbell rack stations in different locations throughout the gym.
Since most individuals use barbells to enhance a specific muscle group within their body, barbell stations are typically found in close proximity to a mirror. This allows the lifter to complete a workout while watching muscles respond in the mirror. By watching the muscle respond to the stimulus, the lifter can adjust posture or weight to affect the target muscle group in the proper manner. This is a very enhancing component of a workout.
When choosing a barbell from a rack, ensure that the weight is correctly matched to the body's lifting ability. Many beginning lifters choose a barbell based on size and appearance. Ego can damage a muscle and create a very painful experience. Do not choose a weight because it looks impressive. Choose a weight that will allow a proper workout