Some substances that are absorbed into the body affect certain individuals as toxins but other people might be wholly unscathed by the substance. These toxins are known as individual energy toxins and can cause not only discomfort and irritation in the sufferer, but lead to and aggravate more serious health problems. Allergens such as dairy products and gluten are among the most common individual energy toxins. The pulse test is a diagnostic tool that allows an individual to test for those toxins ingested as food and drink. That information can consequently help someone avoid those toxic substances and their negative health consequences in the future.
Developed by Dr. Arthur F. Coca in his research spanning the years 1920 to 1956, the pulse test’s effectiveness is based on the observation that energy toxins accelerate the pulse rate. Dr. Coca discovered the connection between increased pulse rate and the body’s negative reaction to foreign substances when his wife was admitted to the hospital with severe heart palpitations. Upon receiving morphine, her heart rate went up dramatically, leading him to infer the connection between an individual energy toxin and accelerated pulse rate.
To conduct the pulse test, the pulse rate must be measured for a full minute several times per day for three or four consecutive days. The average pulse rate for infants is 100 to 160 beats per minute, 70 to 120 beats per minute for children one to 10 years old, 60 to 100 beats per minute for those more than 10 years old, and 40 to 60 beats per minute for well-trained athletes. The pulse rate should be taken at particular times of day, including: while still in bed in the morning, prior to every meal, right after every meal, half an hour after every meal, an hour after every meal, and in bed at night before sleep. All foods and liquids consumed should also be recorded.
After establishing one's base pulse rate in this manner, the pulse test can begin in earnest. After recording the morning pulse rate, the pulse rate is noted following the ingestion of food or liquid. Clear records must be taken in order to try to pin down which food or liquid may have caused any significant changes in the pulse. The normal pulse rates vary, on average, no more than 16 beats per minute. Energy toxins can therefore be identified by food or drink that causes accelerations in pulse rate beyond 16 beats per minute.