Campylobacter treatment is the collection of strategies that are used to deal with a condition known as campylobacteriosis. Campylobacter itself is bacteria that is found in poultry and can be transferred to humans by several different means. There are a few basic methods that can be employed as part of the treatment for campylobacter, making it possible to banish the disease and restore good health.
Because campylobacter is found in more than a dozen different forms, it is often helpful to identify which type of present in the body. While campylobacter treatment for all forms is somewhat similar, there are a few particular approaches that may be best for campylobacter jejuni treatment, as opposed to treating campylobacter coli. Normally, the use of a few simple strategies under the care of a physician, in conjunction with the body's natural healing ability, will subdue the bacteria is a short period of time.
With any type of campylobacter treatment, there is the need to keep the patient hydrated at all times. Because the bacteria can cause diarrhea, it is important to drink beverages that are rich in electrolytes. Avoiding dehydration will make it easier for the body to absorb the nutrients it needs to fuel the immune system and eventually rid the body of the bacteria.
Along with staying hydrated, there is also usually the need to treat the symptoms that are common to the presence of this type of bacteria. Thus, campylobacter treatment may include pain relievers to cool high fevers, ingest additional fiber to minimize loose stool, and additional vitamin supplements to keep the energy level of the patient within normal limits. If the patient is already taking prescription medication for some other ailment, it is important to consult a physician before adding any nutritional supplement to the daily treatment plan, since some supplements can produce a negative interaction with some medicines.
The use of antibiotics as part of campylobacter treatment has created a fair amount of controversy within the medical community. Some healthcare professionals feel the judicious use of antibiotics can aid the immune system in ridding the body of the bacteria, and expedite the healing process. Others find evidence that antibiotics can sometimes create more problems than are solved, which could in turn inhibit the immune system from efficiently ridding the body of campylobacter. Many physicians usually try the use of over the counter medications as part of campylobacter treatment while simultaneously recommending dietary changes that will provide the body with what it needs to overcome and kill the bacteria.