Cystitis glandularis is a change that occurs in the tissue that lines the bladder. This particular type of tissue change is benign, but it can be a symptom of another health problem that needs to be treated. In addition, some cases of this condition precede the development of cancerous growths. For this reason, this finding can be a cause for concern. A urologist usually diagnoses patients with this condition and provides them with information about treatment options.
Commonly, cystitis glandularis is noted during an examination of the bladder being conducted for other reasons. The change can sometimes be visible on a procedure like a cystoscopy, where a camera is inserted into the bladder. If a biopsy sample of tissue for the bladder is taken, the condition will be visible under magnification in a laboratory facility. Staining can highlight the cell transformation and help a laboratory technician learn more about the extent of the cellular changes.
This condition can be associated with Von Brunn's nests, groups of tissue that form by budding of epithelial tissue inside the bladder. Sometimes, these growths cause cystitis glandularis and in other cases patients develop both conditions. The condition can be defined in terms of whether it is localized or diffuse, and whether the tissue involved is mucinous or not. Mucinous diffused cystitis glandularis can be a cause for concern.
People most commonly develop cystitis glandularis as a result of chronic bladder irritation and inflammation. People who wear a catheter can be prone to it and this condition is especially common in quadriplegic and paraplegic patients. Likewise, people with a history of bladder infections, stones, and bladder surgery can be vulnerable to changes in the structure of the bladder cells. When this condition is identified, it is important to determine the cause so that treatment can be provided.
Treatments for the cause can include medications and surgery. Once the patient has been treated, a follow-up examination may be used to look for additional cellular changes. A patient with a history of this condition should make sure that it is noted in medical records so that other care providers will be aware of the issue. It can become relevant when making decisions about how best to diagnose and treat a urogenital health condition. Doctors may also recommend that such patients be regularly screened for bladder cancer because they are at increased risk of developing bladder malignancies.