Non-profit marriage counseling typically provides a lower-cost option for couples wanting to improve their relationships. Some organizations charge on a sliding fee scale based on the couple’s income. Non-profit marriage counseling services might be offered through community mental health organizations funded by grants or donations. In some areas, free marriage counseling might be available for low-income residents.
These non-profit marriage counseling services typically employ licensed social workers or therapists who lead group sessions or individual counseling sessions. Professionals typically prefer treating the couple as a unit, but generally work with a single spouse if the partner refuses to seek counseling. If problems in the marriage stem from domestic violence or substance abuse, the therapist might refer a spouse to other resources.
Non-profit marriage counseling usually involves short-term therapy to help a couple acquire problem-solving techniques. The couple typically learns communication skills to enable discussion of issues in the relationship. A therapist might help the couple examine the root of conflict and serve as a mediator during therapy sessions. Anger management therapy might be necessary for couples with severe issues.
Child rearing represents a common source of strife that might lead a couple to seek non-profit marriage counseling. Issues might arise over conflicts in parenting styles or discipline methods. Couples who become step-parents through blended families might seek counseling for problems specific to these situations.
Some non-profit marriage counseling might be available through churches or religious organizations. These are typically faith-based sessions that encourage prayer and spiritual growth to mend fractured relationships. Some churches offer couple retreats lasting a day or more to strengthen marriages. Depending on the program, retreats or counseling might be open to couples with no religious affiliation.
Marriage counseling typically offers help for sexual problems, including sex addictions. The therapy generally includes an educational component about gender roles and differences between the sexes to dispel myths. A social worker might help the couple learn how to increase intimacy and bring romance into the relationship.
Financial disputes represent another area a non-profit marriage counseling center might treat. This therapy might teach a couple how to make financial decisions as a couple, even if one spouse usually handles financial matters. This counseling might help build trust that is lacking in the relationship.
Group therapy is a common form of non-profit marriage counseling that keeps costs low. Therapy sessions usually include group discussion led by a licensed professional. Role playing might be included in group therapy to help couples view issues from a spouse’s point of view.