Just about anyone who has contacted a company for information or assistance with a purchase has experienced on hold messaging. Here are the basics, including how to select a vendor for the service.
The concept behind on hold messaging is to use what was once unproductive time to address two issues. First, there is the matter of a customer’s perception of the passage of time when waiting to be connected to someone that can help with his or her query. Where once hold music was considered enough, many people quickly become impatient with an endless stream of elevator style music. For the person holding for assistance, the time often drags by, seeming to be twice as long as it really is. Breaking up the hold music with tidbits of information about the company, upcoming events, or ads for various products or services provided by the company often helps to break the monotony and keep the caller from getting as impatient during the hold process.
The second issue that on-hold messaging seeks to address is effectively marketing the company’s goods and services. In the event that the organization is a non-profit, on hold messaging also works as a way to get information about upcoming events or volunteer opportunities out to people who already have an interest in the organization. Utilizing hold time costs very little and can yield some big results, either in sales or increased support from the wider community.
Of course, the use of messages as part of the hold process needs to be accomplished with a high level of professionalism. In order to make sure the on hold messaging is setting the right tone with callers, many organizations will turn to a vendor for assistance. Companies that specialize in messaging services often have excellent writers on staff who can come up with scripts for on hold messaging that will get the point across with clarity and speed. Voice talent is another message component that a professional service can provide. While using the voices of employees may seem like a nice touch, utilizing professionally trained announcers will yield a more polished delivery and give the message a little more punch.
On hold messaging has proven to be a great way to sell additional goods and services to existing clientele. Likewise, the information helps to alert callers that are thinking of getting involved with a charitable organization some quick information about what type of volunteer assistance is needed currently. Using this formerly dead hold time for constructive information sharing will no doubt continue to grow as more organizations of all types learn just how valuable this feature can be.